.SYX/.MID/.BNK/.BN4/.DX7/.32 - Yamaha DX-series SysEx dumps

Both single voice MIDI SysEx dumps and 32-voice bank MIDI SysEx dumps from several models of both 4-operator and 6-operator synths can be read.

More specifically, the following types of SysEx messages are handled:

Files can be either raw 'SysEx dump extracts' (most common and usually with .SYX extension), or Standard MIDI files (.MID) containing SysEx data (the latter will be read as any other MIDI file, then the MIDI tracks will be parsed to find any DX-series instrument dumps). Another is .32 and .DX7 files that contains the raw data for 32 DX7 voices without any header (these must use either of these two file extensions in order to be recognized).

NB, the 'native dump' format of the DX200 is not supported (use its DX7 compatible dump format instead).


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